Whether you are a young start-up or an advanced private property impound towing company, interacting with your clients is paramount. Your clients need to trust that you can obey their every request. Every tow company owner knows what it feels like to have an employee screw up on a client’s property. They tow the wrong car, tow the right car but in the wrong time frame, or even miss opportunities to tow cars they should have. With Omadi’s premiere PPI software, you will be able to look into the eyes of current and prospective clients and guarantee them your company won’t make those mistakes.
- Cut down on “give backs”
- Cut down on driver mistakes
- Acquire new clients by giving property managers access to unparalleled technology
- Instant on demand information is populated on your driver’s cell phone as he enters a property
- Increase revenue by optimizing employee routes and production
- Whether you live in a state where tow companies are allowed to patrol or not, this software has proven time and time again to be a winner and to increase your customer’s satisfaction.
Omadi Towing Demo Request
Learn more about Omadi Mobile Management towing software by signing up for a free live demo via screen share with an Omadi representative. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll do our best to contact you as soon as possible. We are excited to show you what we can do.
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